Union History

Below is a brief history of the union, to give an insight on how it came about..

IDUL was formed on the 31st May 2015 as a result of merging three Trade Unions being FAWU, LECAWU and NUTEX. The said unions were all Textile Sector based and the fragmentation was giving the employers monopoly of oppressing the workers and violating their right due to multi-unionism of the sector. Textile Sector has been the most vulnerable sector for decades with low wages, without proper maternity protection {90% of workers are young women}, poor working conditions, without job security. {company closure leaving workers jobless without payments} etc. The workers were highly affected by TB and HIV//AIDS and there was high maternal and moterlity rate. Due to poverty wage, workers were migrating in large number to RSA. The unions were also below the threshold of 50+1% in order to negotiate for good working conditions

The name of our Trade Union is called Independent Democratic Union of Lesotho {IDUL}, the colours of our union attire are black, white and red. The union was formed in 31st May 2015, this is the result of three unions operating in the textile sector merging to form IDUL with the help of our International Federation called IndustriALL Global Union, our LOGO is diamond, needle, fork and two open hands. IDUL is affiliated to IndustriALL, Lesotho Labour Council {LLC} and Lesotho Council of Non-Governmental {LCN}. IDUL is led by our President who happens to be a lady by the name of Mrs Leticia Mathabo Mohobelo. In our trade union a President is the highest ranking official and she is the leader of the Trade Union. IDUL is highest in terms of membership in the Textile Sector as per Lesotho Ministry of Labour and Employment Audit Report of 2017/2018.


IDUL represents over 5000 workers in Lesotho which include but not limited to the Manufacturing and Textile sector, Mining sector, Hospitality, Construction and Security sectors.

IDUL is an affiliate to the Lesotho Labour Council (LLC) federation, Lesotho Council of Non-governmental Organizations (LCN) as well as the IndustriALL Global Union an international organization which promotes and supports union building projects.

IDUL also is a partner to Solidarity Centre in the fight against Gender Based Violence and Harassment in the textile sector.

Social security and fair conditions of work for members and all workers to fight for democracy and oppose all anti-democratic laws and activities in the belief that only under a truly democratic systems can trade unionism prosper

our mission

To secure social justice for all workers; To regulate relations between members and their employers and to protect members in relation to their employers...


All periodic subscriptions shall be subjected to the provision of Article 5.4.3 be remitted to the General Secretary and shall be deposited within two [2] days.


All persons engaged in the interests as defined in Article three shall be eligible for membership of the Union. when necessary, we provide legal assistance to members


Meetings of the Committee shall ordinarily be held once every three (3) years for the purpose of elections and shall be called by the National Executive Committee.


IDUL represents over 5000 workers in Lesotho which include but not limited to the Manufacturing and Textile sector, Mining sector, Hospitality, Construction and Security sectors. IDUL is an affiliate to the Lesotho Labour Council (LLC) federation, Lesotho Council of Non-governmental Organizations (LCN) as well as the IndustriALL Global Union an international organization which promotes and supports union building projects. IDUL also is a partner to Solidarity Centre in the fight against Gender Based Violence and Harassment in the textile sector. It is as a result of a merger that took place in 2015, when FAWU, LECAWU, NUTEX came together.


NC- National Congress

CEC- Central Executive Committee

NEC- National Executive Committee

NoOBs- National Office Bearers/Committee (See Pictures Below)

RECs- Regional Executive Committee

BC-S/S- Branch Committee(Shop-stewards)


Meet The Team

Below are members of our Committee, also known as the National Office Bearers:

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Term:2022 - 2027
enforce observance of the Constitution of the Union, signs minutes of meetings after confirmation, sign all cheques drawn on the National and Head Office banking accounts.

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1st Vice President

Term:2022 - 2027
Performs such functions of the President as the President may temporarily or permanently be unable to perform. Like signing minutes after meetings, and cheques too.

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2nd Vice President

Term:2022 - 2027
Performs such functions of the first Vice-President as the First Vice-President may temporarily or permanently be unable to perform

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General Secretary

Term:2022 - 2027
Receives requests for meetings of the National Executive Committee. Issue notices of meetings. Conducts all Head Office correspondence of the Union.

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Deputy General Secretary

Term:2022 - 2027
Assist the General Secretary in the performance of his/her duties and to perform his/her functions as he may temporarily be unable to perform

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National Treasurer

Term:2022 - 2027
Exercises supervision over financial affairs of the Union and initials account books each month. Presents financial statements in NEC meetings.

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National Organiser

Term:2023 - 2026
Responsible for organizing new members nationally. Also ensures regional organizing by union officials.Reports on membership growth.